Why Choose Open Non-Claustrophobic Standing MRI Over Traditional MRI

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brought a revolution in the field of medicine, by providing detailed images of the internal structures of the body. Traditional MRI machines, however, with enclosed tube-like design   became a source of anxiety and discomfort for many patients who felt claustrophobic. At Eastern Diagnostics, realizing the problems, we decided to act. We introduced the open non-claustrophobic MRI which ensured both high-quality imaging and patient comfort, as an alternative to traditional MRI.

Here are the reasons why you should consider open MRI for your next scan:

Ensuring Patient Comfort   

One important reason for choosing an open non-claustrophobic MRI is increased patient comfort. Traditional MRIs cause feelings of claustrophobia and anxiety due to the narrow, enclosed design of the machine, with patients reporting feelings of being trapped or confined. In contrast, open MRI machines have more spacious design which allows patients to feel more relaxed and comfortable. 

Ideal for All

Traditional MRI machines make it difficult for larger and obese patients to fit comfortably, resulting in incomplete scans and need for alternative imaging methods. Open MRI machines are designed to accommodate patients of all body types ensuring that the patients receive the high-quality imaging they need without unnecessary discomfort or delay. 

Benefits Elderly and Paediatric Patients

Children and elderly patients benefit greatly from open MRIs. While in traditional MRIs, children are fearful about the enclosed space and the elderly may have mobility issues and face difficulty remaining still, open MRI has no such issues. Open MRIs are preferred as they are more accommodating for both the groups. The open design also allows for better communication between patient and technician, resulting in better imaging.

Need for Sedation Reduced

In traditional MRI, patients may require sedation to help manage their anxiety and claustrophobia, adding risks and complications to the procedure. Open MRI significantly reduce the need for sedation, making the imaging process safer and better. Patients remain alert and comfortable, reducing the total time spent in the imaging centre.

First-Rate Imaging

A common misconception about open MRI is that it produces low- quality images, compared to traditional MRI. Modern open MRI machines are equipped with sophisticated imaging capabilities that can provide high-resolution images. This ensures that patients receive accurate and reliable reports without compromising on safety and comfort.

Eastern Diagnostics’ Commitment

Eastern Diagnostics gives top priorities to patient care and comfort. Open non-claustrophobic MRI offers a better alternative to traditional MRI, providing more comfortable and accommodating experience, without compromising on image quality. Our state-of-the-art open MRI machines offer patients the best possible care in a stress-free environment. For your next MRI, do not hesitate to choose the best, experience our open non-claustrophobic MRI.