Dexa Scan Tests at eastern Diagnostics

The DEXA Scan Department is instrumental in assessing bone health and diagnosing conditions like osteoporosis. Using Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) technology, our department measures bone density with exceptional precision.

Eastern Diagnostics’ skilled radiologic technologists administer these low-dose X-rays to evaluate the spine, hip, and other skeletal regions. DEXA scans provide critical information about bone strength, fracture risk, and overall bone health.

Our department is vital for early detection and monitoring of osteoporosis, which is crucial for preventing fractures and maintaining quality of life, especially in the aging population. The DEXA Scan Department plays a pivotal role in promoting skeletal well-being and minimizing the impact of bone-related diseases.

Listed here are all the DEXA Scans carried out at our centers:

  1. B.M.D (any extra site)
  2. B.M.D Dual Femur
  3. B.M.D Knee
  4. B.M.D LVA (AP)
  5. B.M.D LVA (LAT)
  1. B.M.D Of Hip
  2. B.M.D Of Wrist
  3. B.M.D Spine A/P
  4. B.M.D Total Body
  5. Morphometry Scan