PATHOLOGY Tests at eastern Diagnostics

Pathology tests encompass a diverse array of diagnostic tools crucial for assessing health and detecting diseases. Blood tests, including complete blood counts (CBC) and lipid panels, offer insights into overall health, identifying conditions like anemia, infection, or cholesterol imbalances.

Microbiological tests, like cultures and PCR assays, pinpoint infectious agents like bacteria or viruses. Furthermore, genetic tests assess inherited conditions and predispositions.

We at Eastern Diagnostics, offer a wide array of pathology tests that play a pivotal role in early disease detection, treatment planning, and ongoing patient care.

PATHOLOGY – Sub-Departments

Listed here are all the PATHOLOGY – BIOCHEMISTRY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. 24 Hours Urine For Calcium
  2. 24 Hours Urine For Cortisol
  3. 24 Hours Urine For Phosphate
  4. 24 Hours Urine For Uric Acid
  5. 24 Hours Urine Free Cortisol
  6. 24 Hrs Urine For Creatinine
  7. 24 Hrs. Creatinine Clearance
  8. 24 Hrs. Urinary Protein
  9. 24 Hrs.Urine For Electrolytes
  10. 24hrs Urine For Albumin
  11. 24hrs Urine For Micro Albumin
  12. Albumin
  13. Aldehyde Test
  14. Aldolase (Lal-3)
  15. Alkaline Phosphatase
  16. Anti Sars Cov 2 Spike Protien (Igg)
  17. Beta 2 Glycoprotein (Lal 4)
  18. Beta 2 Glycoprotein Igg (Lal 4)
  19. Beta 2 Glycoprotein Igm (Lal 4)
  20. Bilirubin (Direct & Indirect)
  21. Bl Sugar (Pp) 100 Gms Glucose
  22. Blood Glucose (F)
  23. Blood Glucose (Pp)
  24. Blood Glucose (R)
  25. Blood Sugar (Pp) 75gm Glucose
  26. Blood Urea
  27. Blood Urea Nitrogen
  28. Brca 1+2 (Rt Pcr) Diverse 4
  29. C.P.K
  30. C.P.K. Mb
  31. C.P.K. Mm
  32. Calcium (Free)
  33. Calcium (Ionized)
  34. Calcium (Non Ionized)
  35. Chloride
  36. Cholesterol
  37. Csf Fluid For Glucose
  38. Csf Fluid For Protein
  39. Cystatin-C (Lal-3)
  40. D-Dimer
  41. Egfr
  42. Electrolytes(So/Pot/Cl)
  43. Fluid For Albumin
  44. Fluid For L.D.H
  45. Fluid For Protein
  1. Fluid For Sugar
  2. G.G.T.
  3. G.T.T.
  4. Globulin
  5. Glycosylated Haemoglobin
  6. Hav Igm (Lal 5)
  7. Hdl Cholesterol
  8. Hepatitis B Core Antibody-(Lal-7)
  9. Insulin Assay
  10. Karyotyping Of Product Of Concept. (L-22)
  11. L.D.H.
  12. L.F.T.
  13. Ldl Chol / Hdl Chol Ratio
  14. Ldl Cholesterol
  15. Lipase
  16. Lipid Profile
  17. Magnesium
  18. Npn
  19. Osmolality (Lal4)
  20. Potassium
  21. Serum Aldosterone (Lal-7)
  22. Serum Amylase
  23. Serum Calcium
  24. Serum Creatinine
  25. Serum Iron
  26. Serum Phosphate (Phosphorus)
  27. Sgot
  28. Sgpt
  29. Sodium
  30. Sodium, Potassium, Chloride
  31. Tibc
  32. Total Protein
  33. Triglycerides
  34. Trop-T
  35. Uric Acid
  36. Urine Albumin & Creat. Ratio
  37. Urine Chloride
  38. Urine Creatinine And Calcium Ratio
  39. Urine For Calcium
  40. Urine For Creatinine
  41. Urine For Micro Albumin
  42. Urine For Sodium
  43. Urine Protein And Creatinine Ratio
  44. V L D L
  45. Weil Felix (Lal-3)

Listed here are all the CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. 24 Hours Urine For Metanephrines Fractionated (Lal-5)
  2. 24 Hrs Urine Sodium (Lal-4)
  3. Adenovirus Antigen (Stool)
  4. Ascitic Fluid For Cell Count
  5. Bence Jones Protein (Urinary)
  6. Clostridium Difficle Detection Pcr (Stool) (L-7)
  7. Fecal Calprotectin (Stool) (Lal-7)
  8. Peritoneal Fluid Cell Count
  9. Pleural Fluid Cell Count
  10. Pus For R.E.
  11. Rotavirus Antigen (Stool)
  12. Semen Analysis
  13. Stool (Re)
  14. Stool For O.B.T
  15. Stool For OPC
  16. Stool For OPC And Reducing Substance
  17. Stool RE And OBT
  1. Stool RE And OPC
  2. Stool RE And Reducing Substance
  3. Stool RE, OBT, OPC
  4. Urine (RE)
  5. Urine Bile Pigment And Salt
  6. Urine For Acetone
  7. Urine For Albumin
  8. Urine For Chyle
  9. Urine For Ketones
  10. Urine For Obt
  11. Urine For Phosphorous (Phosphate)
  12. Urine For Porphobilnogen
  13. Urine For Rbc
  14. Urine For Strip Test
  15. Urine For Sugar
  16. Urine For Urobilinogen

Listed here are all the CYTOPATHOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. Cervical Smear (Pap Stain)
  2. Cervical Smear For Gram Stain
  3. CSF For Malignant Cells
  4. F.N.A.C.
  5. F.N.A.C. Slide Review
  6. Fluid For Malignant Cell
  1. Slide For Review (Pap Stain)
  2. Sputum For Malignant Cells
  3. Urine For Malignant Cells
  4. Usg Guided Fnac
  5. Vaginal Smear (Pap Stain)

Listed here are all the DRUG LEVEL Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. Phenytoin (LAL-2)
  2. Valporate

Listed here are all the ENDOCRINOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. F S H
  2. FT3
  3. FT3, FT4, TSH
  4. FT4
  5. LH
  6. Macro-Prolactin
  7. P.S.A.
  8. Prolactin
  1. Prolactin (PEG)
  2. PTHA
  3. T3
  4. T3, T4, TSH
  5. T4
  6. Thyroid Profile
  7. TSH

Listed here are all the HAEMATOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. Absolute Eosinophil Count
  2. Absolute Lymphocytes Count
  3. Absolute Neutrophil Count
  4. APTT
  5. Blood Grouping
  6. Bone Marrow Aspiration
  7. BT, CT
  8. Clot Retraction Test
  9. Complete Haemogram
  10. Coombs’ Test (DIR)
  11. Coombs’ Test (IND)
  12. DC
  13. Electrophoresis (HB)
  14. Epstein Barr Virus (IGG/IGM) (LAL-5)
  15. ESR
  16. G6PD
  17. HB
  18. HB TC DC
  4. HB,TC,DC,Platelet Count
  5. LE Cell Test
  6. MP
  7. Optimal Test
  8. Osmotic Fragility Test
  9. PCV
  10. Plasmodium Falciparum Antigen
  11. Plasmodium Vivax Antigen
  12. Platelet Count
  13. Prothrombin Time
  14. Reticulocyte Count
  15. TC
  16. TC, DC
  17. TC, DC, ESR
  18. TC, DC, MP

Listed here are all the HISTOPATHOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. Biopsy Five Slides
  2. Biopsy For Slide Review
  3. Biopsy Four Slides
  4. Biopsy Large
  5. Biopsy Medium
  1. Biopsy One Slide
  2. Biopsy Small
  3. Biopsy Three Slides
  4. Biopsy Two Slide
  5. Tru-Cut Biopsy

Listed here are all the IMMUNOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. 25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (LAL-7)
  2. A.N.F (HEP -2) (LAL-4)
  3. ADA (Adenosine De Aminase)
  4. Alfa Feto Proetin
  5. Allergy Test : (Biomed-11 Days)
  6. Ana Profile (LAL-7)
  7. Anti C.C.P
  8. Anti Hbc (Total) (LAL-4)
  9. Anti Hbe (LAL-4)
  10. Anti Mitochondrial Antibody (Ama) LAL-1
  11. Anti Mullerian Hormone
  12. Anti SARS COV 2 Antibody (Igg)
  13. Anti SARS COV 2 Antibody (Total)
  14. Anti T.P.O. Anti Body
  15. Anti TG (LAL-3 )
  16. Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (LAL-3)
  17. Anti-Lkm Antibody (LAL-10)
  18. Apo Ab Ratio (LAL – 3)
  19. Aspergillus Antibodies Panel Igg And Igm (LAL-7)
  20. B12
  21. Beta-2 Microglobuin (LAL-4)
  22. BHCG
  23. Bi-Carbonate
  24. Brucella Antibody Igm (LAL-5)
  25. C-Anca (LAL-4)
  26. C-Peptide (LAL-3)
  27. C-Peptide (LAL-3) Pp
  28. C.E.A.
  29. C4 (LAL-7)
  30. CA 125
  31. CA 15.3 (LAL-3)
  32. CA 72.4 (LAL-7)
  33. Calcitonin (LAL-7)
  34. CD 4 (LAL-3)
  35. Chromogranin A (LAL-7)
  36. Copper (LAL-2)
  37. Cortisol (EVE)
  38. Cortisol (MOR)
  39. Cortisol (Random)
  40. Cyto Megalo Virus IGG
  41. Cyto Megalo Virus IGM
  42. D H E A (LAL-7)
  43. D H E A S
  44. DHT (LAL-6)
  45. Double Marker(8-13 WKS)-LAL-3
  46. Electrophoresis(Protein) LAL-4
  47. Endomysial Antibodies IGG/IGA (LAL-7)
  48. Epstein Barr Virus (EBVPanel) (LAL-5)
  49. Epstein Barr Virus AB IGG (VCA) (LAL-4)
  50. Epstein Barr Virus AB IGM (VCA) (LAL-4)
  51. Ferritin
  52. Fibronogen (LAL-1)
  53. Free Light Chain Assay (LAL-7)
  54. Gliadin Deamidated Antibodies IGA/IGG (LAL-7)
  55. HAV IGG (LAL-5)
  56. HBC IGM (LAL-4)
  57. HBS AG
  58. HBS Antibody (Anti HBSab) (LAL-3)
  59. HCV RNA Viral Load (LAL-6)
  60. Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti+ HAV) IGG (LAL-3)
  1. Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti+ HAV) IGM (LAL-3)
  2. Herpes Simplex Virus (IGG)
  3. Herpes Simplex Virus (IGM)
  4. HEV (HEP E Virus)- IGG LAL-5
  5. HIV
  6. HIV (Western Blot)
  7. HLA B-27 (Pcr) (LAL-3)
  8. HOMA-IR (LAL-2)
  9. Homocystein (Serum) LAL-3
  10. HPV PCR Panel Quantative (LAL-3)
  11. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) Panel (LAL-7)
  12. IL-6
  13. Immunoglobulin IGA (LAL-3)
  14. Immunoglobulin IGM (LAL-2)
  15. Insulin Level (Fasting)
  16. Insulin Level (PP)
  17. Insulin Level (Random)
  18. Insulin Level (Pp) 75 Gms.Glus
  19. Kappa Lamba Free Chain Assey (On Quest-7)
  20. Kappa Lambda Free Chain Assey (On quest-7)
  21. Leptospira Antiboy Igm (LAL-3)
  22. Lupus Anticoagulant (LAL-2)
  23. NIPT (LAL-7)
  24. P-ANCA (LAL-4)
  25. PEG Prolactin
  26. Phospholipase A2 Receptor Antibody(Pla2r) Quantitative(Lal)
  27. Plasma Metanephrines (Blood) LAL-4
  28. Pro B.N.P.
  29. Procalcitonin
  30. Progesterone (LAL-3)
  31. Protein C (LAL-8)
  32. Protein Electrophoresis With Immunofixation Electrophoresis (On Quest-7)
  33. Protein S (LAL-8)
  34. Quadruple Test (LAL-3)
  35. Roma (LAL-5)
  36. Rubella (IGG)
  37. Rubella (IGM)
  38. S.M.A. (LAL-7) (Spinal Muscular Atrophy).
  39. SACE II (LAL-3)
  40. SCA 12 (Gene) (LAL-7)
  41. Serum Estradiol
  42. Serum Galactomannan (LAL-5)
  43. Serum Immunoglobulins IGE
  44. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) (LAL-7)
  45. Testosterone
  46. Tetanus Anti Body (LAL-23)
  47. Thrombophilia Profile (LAL-8)
  48. Torch
  49. Total Immunoglobulin IGG (LAL-3)
  50. Total Immunoglobulin IGM (LAL-3)
  51. Toxoplasma (IGG)
  52. Toxoplasma (IGM)
  53. Transferrin Saturation
  54. Triple Test (LAL-3)
  55. Ultrasensitive C.R.P.
  56. Urine For Aminoacides
  57. Urine For Potassium
  58. Vitamin-D (25 OH)
  59. Vitamin-D (Total)
  60. Zinc (LAL-2)

Listed here are all the MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. 24 Hours Urine For AFB Smear
  2. AFB Culture
  3. Bactec Culture – Aerobic (LAL-7)
  4. Bactec Culture – Anaerobic (LAL-7)
  5. Bactec Culture – Pediatric (LAL-7)
  6. Blood Culture
  7. Conjunctival Swab Culture
  8. E.T.Tube Suction For C/S
  9. Ear Swab Culture(Sen If Req)
  10. Eye Swab Culture
  11. Fluid For Afb Smear
  12. Fluid For Cell Count/Cell Typ
  13. Fluid For Culture & Sensi.
  14. Fluid For Gram Stain
  15. Fluid-Sugar,Protein,Chloride
  16. Fungal Culture
  17. Fungal Smear
  18. Genexpert Ultra (MTB) Sputum LAL-1
  19. HSV (Type 1 And 2 PCR Qualitative)
  20. HSV Culture
  21. Nail Scraping For C/S
  22. Nail Scraping For Fungus
  23. Nail Scraping For Gram Stain
  24. Nasal Swab Culture
  25. Pleural Fluid For AFB Smear
  26. Pleural Fluid For C & S
  27. Prostatic Culture
  28. Prostatic Smear Gram Stain
  29. Pus Culture
  30. Pus For AFB Smear
  31. Semen C & S
  1. Semen For AFB
  2. Semen For Gram Stain
  3. Sensitivity Charges
  4. Skin Scraping For Fungal Culture
  5. Skin Scraping For Fungal Smear
  6. Smear For Gram Stain
  7. Sputum Culture
  8. Sputum For AFB Smear
  9. Sputum For Gram Stain
  10. Sputum R.E.
  11. Stool Culture
  12. Stool For Fungal Smear
  13. Throat Swab Culture
  14. Throat Swab For KLB
  15. Throat Swab Re (Gram Stain)
  16. Urethral Smear Cul(Sen If Req
  17. Urethral Smear For RE
  18. Urine AFB Culture 3 Sample
  19. Urine AFB Culture 4 Sample
  20. Urine Culture
  21. Urine For AFB Smear
  22. Urine For Gram Stain
  23. Urine For Pap Stain
  24. Vaginal Culture
  25. Vaginal Monalia (Gram Stain)
  26. Vaginal Smear For AFB
  27. Vaginal Smear For Gram Stain
  28. Vaginal Swab For C/S
  29. Vaginal Trichomonal Vaginalis
  30. Wound Swab For AFB Smear
  31. Wound Swab For C & S

Listed here are all the PATHOLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. Anti Phospholipid AB IGG/IGM (LAL-5)
  2. Anti Phospholipid AB IGM (LAL-4)
  3. Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (L-2)
  4. Anti Thyroid Antibody Panel (LAL-4)
  5. C.P.K. + C.P.K. MB
  6. Erythropoietin (LAL-7)
  7. Growth Hormone (LAL-4)
  8. HBV DNA (Quantitative) (LAL-6)
  9. HE4 (LAL-5)
  10. Hepatitis-B Surface Antibody -(LAL-3)
  11. JAK 2 Exon 12 Mutations (LAL-3)
  12. JAK 2 Mutation (LAL-6)
  1. Karyotyping (LAL-28)
  2. Lactate (LAL-2)
  3. Lipoprotien-A (LAL-4)
  4. Measles Antibody (IGM/IGG)-(LAL-7)
  5. Mumps Antibody (IGM/IGG)-(LAL-7)
  6. Pyruvate /Pyruvic Acid (LAL-2)
  7. Skin Scraping For AFB Smear
  8. T-Cell And B-Cell Crossmatching (CDC)
  9. TB PCR (LAL-7)
  10. Testosterone Free (LAL-4)
  11. Thyroglobulin (LAL-7)
  12. Varicella Antibody-(IGM/IGG)-(LAL-5)

Listed here are all the SEROLOGY Tests carried out at our centers:

  1. A.N.F.
  2. Anti HCV
  3. ASO Titre
  4. C.R.P. With Titre
  5. Chikungunya (IGM)
  6. Dengue Antibody IGG
  7. Dengue Antibody IGM
  8. Dengue Antibody IGM & IGG
  9. Dengue NSI Antigen
  10. Latex Fixation Test (RA Factor)
  1. Mantoux Test
  2. Pregnancy Test
  3. TPHA
  6. Urine For Protein
  7. Urine For Urea
  8. Urine For Uric Acid
  9. VDRL
  10. Widal Test